Wednesday, September 12, 2007

'Mom,' 'dad,' targeted by California bias ban
'Parents want fundamentals, not indoctrination about sex'
By Bob Unruh from

A new plan approved by the California Legislature could be used to ban the words "dad" or "mom" in all public schools as being discriminatory against "partner 1"' and "partner 2" in same-sex relationships, according to critics.

Read more here.

....wha?? I've always been sort of a fan of California for taking bigger steps in that direction that the other states but....that's just a bit too far I think.
That's simply too far. I can understand the problems with identifying with homosexual parents, and the issues they may have with the terms: "Mom" and "Dad," but this is simply over the line. You can't abolish to basic words because they don't correspond to the 2% of student s with homosexual parents.

Also, just because you associate yourself as female you shouldn't be able to use the girl's locker rooms and bathrooms. If they're taking that approach then they'll eventually expect like homosexuals to have their own facilities. I don't care, but letting an entity refer to itself as "female" but having a male resemblance and sex organs doesn't give them the right to just waltz into a girls bathroom. Ever.
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